
Welcome to the About Page.  I am so very glad you are taking the time to get to know me.  You have just taken the first step in what it takes to research what it is YOU want in a mentor.  See, I have been in “Network Marketing” since 1992.  A very long time ago.  Where home parties were the thing.  That was just about the only way to work your business.  Other than a traditional business.    Anyhow, I found out that home parties were Not my thing.   In 1994 I was introduced to another home business, but this one was different.  It had something called Residual Income.  Get paid over and over for doing the work ONE time!  This was awesome.  I thought I finally found the perfect business to make extra money from home.  However, it was short lived.  The company folded after a few short years the more industries became deregulated.
Now, what to do?
In 1998 came the Internet.  What an awesome and scary adventure.  Lots of “Work From Home” opportunities, as well as ponzis, and the dreaded pyramid.  I found a marketing company, that really didn’t have a product to offer, but a service.  A service that taught you how to market anything.  How to properly talk to people.  It was an affiliate program.  Pretty cool.  Not as cool as the other company, but still pretty cool.   I was a single mother who worked 2 jobs.  We had also some farm animals.  We were/still are a 4-h family, as well as had after-school robotics.   I know other families are just as busy.  So fast forward to today.
I am with a couple of companies, one offers residual income, and the other is more of a direct sales company.  Both companies have awesome services and products.

I am recently married, have 3 children and 3 step children, ages ranging from 12 to 32.  We raise and show Irish Dexter cows.

Ruth Umphrey

Dreaming is a daily exercise.

We have a couple of horses,

5 Miniature Silky Fainting Goats,

and 3 hogs that we breed , Chickens, Turkeys, And a garden. Whew!!

Our goal is to be self-sustaining.  Unfortunately, My Amazing husband works 10 hours a day. With all that going on, my new goal is to replace his income so he can stay home and work on the farm, which happens to be his dream.  Well, my dream too, I love having my husband at home.  I absolutely hate it that we are apart for 12 hours per day. (includes drive time.)  So to obtain this goal, I have set a new goal of working with a few more people a month than I normally do.  I am looking to help 10 people per month,  in starting their own business and make their own dreams come true.  Realistically.
What I have learned in my industry, is that the “hype” has ruined how Network Marketing operates.  Everyone hears the “I make X million a year, or I got there in 6 months.”  Then when the average person, like you and me have a “Gabillion” things going on, Working from home doesn’t happen for us, like it did for them. We get frustrated and quit.  Have you been there?  Well, after about 9 years of listening to 100’s of training, whether free on Youtube, or paid.  I have discovered there are little secrets they don’t tell you.  Why?  It is not exciting.  Excitement sells.  This is what I call Hype.  I can’t stand it.  Hype doesn’t build a business.  Action does.  So this is what I teach.  A simple straightforward, step by step approach on how to work from home.  I even help people figure out what it is they want to do.  Along with the goal/dream setting.  How do set it up realistically.  And put everything in motion.

I would love to help you start your home business journey and help you on to your way to your dreams.

Blessings to You and Yours!  Welcome aboard

To start your journey click here